UNITED INC. Established in year 2015, we are busy in manufacturing, supplying, Sales and Service Provider distributing of Heavy Duty Machines. We are based in Suprabhatha Nagar, Karihobanahalli Main Road, Nagasandra Post. Peenya Bengaluru. Our energetic approach, rigorous quality check procedures and Scientific R&D efforts have catapulted us to a position that testifies to the superiority of our range. Our range of Heavy Duty Machines consists of CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machines, CNC Pressbreake Machine. Complete Sheet Metal Solutions and Sheet Metal Fabrication Hydraulic Press Brake, Industrial Press Brake Tooling, Hydraulic Shearing Machines, Hydraulic Bending Machine, Hydraulic Press Brake Machine, Hydraulic Presses, Hydraulic C Type Presses, Hydraulic H Type Press, Hydraulic Parts etc…
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Mail Us
Sharath N. Murthy
+91 99804 99998
Stress Management
Shed No. 8, Survey No. 74 & 75, TVR Estate, Opp to Suprabhata nagar, Karihobanahalli Main Road, Nagasandra Post. Bengaluru-560 073